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Senior Care Connect

Have Fun While Aging!!

Pleasure, fun, entertainment, sports, enjoyment, and hobbies might come to mind when you think of recreation. Recreation can be anything you want it to be. It is solely based on the individual.  A variety of programs and activities can be made available to cater to the recreational and leisure needs of various populations, from children to seniors. Recreation plays a vital role in maintaining health, in recovery and post recovery.

Recreation is an important aspect of our lives because it gives our mind a necessary break from the constant stresses in our lives. Life can become very hectic, and as we age, it often feels as if  there isn't enough time in the day. It doesn't matter how young or old you are; recreation brings relief.

The older we get, our bodies change, and that may mean learning something new . Recreation and leisure are essential components of a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle.

Here are some recreation activities that may help contribute to such a lifestyle. 

  • Fishing, gardening, or hiking 

  • Joining a fitness class for seniors such as aqua fit, yoga, or walking club

  •  Photography 

  • Art & Crafts 

  • Music Therapy 

  • Attending an Adult Day Program or Senior Club 

  • Volunteering

Check out the Community Centres around where you live, as there might be something there for you!

The benefit of recreation is an active life. It decreases depression, improves thinking abilities, increases life span, and it lowers the risk of health issues such as dementia, just to name a few.

Below is a diagram of a wellness model of the physical, emotional, spiritual, vocational/ environmental, intellectual/ mental and social foundations. This model represents the holistic approach in which mind, body, and spirit are combined. Recreation is influenced by these foundations, so be sure to find the right balance for your lifestyle.

It is certain that recreation and leisure encourages confidence, improves socialization, and enables you to learn new skills or improve old skills. Most importantly, however, recreation opens doors to new ideas.  So don’t be afraid, have fun while aging!

Make sure to check out the videos below to gain a better understanding of the significance of recreational therapy in our lives, and breaking stereotypes of the elderly by staying active!

What is Recreation Therapy:

Break the Stereotype-Elderly Physical Health Promotion: 


Contributor: Nigel Adams, Rec. and Leisure Studies Dipl.  Mackenzie Health: Recreation Therapist

Nigel Adams is a Recreation Therapist with over a decade of programming experience, which has enabled him to have a well-grounded foundation in this field. During his years of experience he has engaged in developing, assisting, and maintaining numerous programs and events for children, youth, adults and older adults suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia and acquired brain injuries. Currently Nigel  provides recreational programs and activities at an Acquired Brain Injury Adult Day Program at Mackenzie Health.  The primary area of emphasis is bridging the recreational gap his clientele encounter on a daily basis, by providing a service to help those with acquired brain injuries, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. He truly enjoys providing and promoting an improved quality of life for others.


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